Article Highlights: As tax time approaches, here are some tax issues that taxpayers frequently overlook, ranging from obscure deductions to overlooked tax credits and benefits.
Article Highlights: Tax Loss for a Security Sold or That Is Worthless Proving Worthlessness Selling a Worthless Stock by Year-end Brokers May Accommodate Clients Capital Loss Deduction If you are like most investors, you occasionally will pick a loser that […]
Article Highlights: What is Basis? Cost Basis Gift Basis Inherited Basis Events That Adjust Basis First-in, First Out In taxes, there is a saying: “Those who keep records win.” If you are an investor, you may have a variety of […]
Article Highlights: Home Equity Loan Home Equity Interest Deduction Alternative Minimum Tax Above-the-Line Interest Deduction Qualified Expenses If you are considering borrowing funds to finance your college education or that of your spouse or children, it is important that you […]